Thursday, June 9, 2022

 s t u d y  b u d d i e s
All credit to Lemony for taking my vague idea and speaking it into existence from her remarkable inventory. All I said was "sexy demon librarians in a study with tall shelves, big windows, and a nice desk" and 5 minutes later she had made us a perfect scene. I love working with exceptional builders! If you haven't checked out her in-world design work or her flickr, click here

Also gonna take a sec to say that Petrichor has been rolling release after awesome release out lately, and I am so glad I have the chance to play around and hopefully really show this stuff off. This full outfit even came with the sexiest boots that I just couldn't fit these demon toes into.

Wren (left):

Hair - Doux

Horns, Demon Legs, Tail - Aii

Glasses - Voluptas Virtualis

Chain- Salem

Book - Petrichor "Anthrophilia"

Outfit - Petrichor "Varkylde" @ The Warehouse Sale

Tattoo - Petrichor "Asaia Markings"

Gauges- Mea Tenebra

Lemony (right):

Hair - Magika

Tattoo - Aerth

Glasses - random.matter

Legs, Tail, Horns - Aii

Earrings - Promagic

Cuffs - Pterichor "Valjyre"

Rings - Voluptas Virtualis

Makeup - Aii

Book - Contraption


Skybox: The Grand Manor - Regardie Hall, Lux Aeterna

Desk, bookshelves, rug: Pollux Set, Contraption

Cabinets: Hexagonal Drawers and Blackwood Cabinets, Contraption

Owl: Monster of the Barn (stone version), Contraption

Lanterns: Nightmariner's Lamp, ::Static::

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